The usual way of a spectroscopist workflow consists in data
transformation from the instrument via creation of figures and tables
and finally using them in reports, publications, thesis or
presentations. Quite often several software packages/tools may be
applied on this path including the proprietary ones. Among them, an
acquisition/processing software at the instrument enables basic or more
advanced operations with the EPR outcomes/spectra. As already mentioned
(see the README
file / Homepage) there is an excellent open source toolbox for EPR
specialists (1) only working under proprietary
MATLAB (2). It can handle the raw files from
the EPR machines process them and create reports in an interactive form
(3) or in
. There are, however, only a few examples of fully open
source EPR packages working under Python
The open source R statistical language (5) is not so widely used as the
general purpose language
which is also applied in many scientific fields (6–8). Nonetheless, owing to its
nature, the
is very
much focused on mathematics, statistics, graphing (it was
actually built for such a purpose) and, last but not least, on data
processing and analysis especially in research and academia.
Even though so specialized, it actually represents an advantage in data
handling. Therefore, it has been very much established also in chemistry
and physics (9), biology (10), pharma
industry (11,
12) as well as in finance area
Unsurprisingly, many big companies, universities or financial and
healthcare institutions rely on very robust and multiplatform1
(14, 15).
Because the
belongs to the family of programming languages it also
provides reproducible workflow functionality. This is especially
important for process validation in research and academia.
Namely, one can easily follow all the data and visualization operations
unlike the other software with “icon-based” procedures. Moreover,
such a data wrangling and the related analytics, together with
the outstanding visualization/graphing (16–19) and publishing
capabilities (20–24), makes it a very
powerful tool in the research area. Hence, the decision to
create a package for EPR spectroscopy in
is obvious and strongly supported by the
aforementioned features, even though the
is not so widely used as the
Moreover, the entire ecosystem with thousands of
packages (5, 10, 25) and RStudio
IDE2 (26) support workflows which
are almost free from any other additional software/toolboxes
(see also explanation below). Therefore, together with perfectly
and uniformly structured package documentation (which is
already available within the RStudio) it represents an
excellent facilitation of the data processing workflows by extensive
reducing of many steps which have to be otherwise performed by several
programs, as already mentioned above. Great spectroscopy
packages 📦 have been developed in
e.g. for IR, MS, NMR, Fluorescence, UV-Vis(-NIR), Raman.
However, non of them, even the general one like {ChemoSpec} or {hyperSpec}, are
suitable for EPR, which actually possesses a special position among the
spectroscopies due to the paramagnetic (unpaired electronic state)
nature of the studied molecules (27).
Unlike the EasySpin (1), which is more concentrated on
the simulation of EPR spectra, the primary aim of the
package is to process, analyze and
visualize the EPR spectral data similarly to functionality of the
acquisition/processing software available at spectrometers.
This is otherwise not available in any other software
packages/toolboxes. Especially, the function performing an absolute
quantitative EPR analysis is just a rarely present within the
acquisition programs of the EPR instruments. Subsequently, the
quantitative analysis is tightly connected with the determination of
kinetic rate constants, k where the radicals
(paramagnetic species) are involved in the studied chemical
reactions. Last but not least, the k temperature dependence can be
applied to determine the activation parameters (Δ‡Go,
and Δ‡So
) of the elementary radical reactions. Finally, the EPR
spectroscopy is quite often coupled with the in situ (directly
within the EPR cavity/probehead) radical formation techniques like
electrochemistry (usually voltammetry or potentiostatic/galvanostatic
electrolysis) and irradiation or UV-Vis(-NIR) spectroscopy
Therefore, the presented open source EPR 📦 will address
not only the basic processing, simulation and visualization of the EPR
spectra but also quantitative description of the radical reaction
kinetics as well as that of the electrochemical redox ones. In
the latter, this actually means that one could easily compare the number
of transferred electrons from the voltammogram with the number of
radical cations/anions determined by the quantitative EPR. Such
information reveals if one-electron transfer is associated with the
formation of a single radical, otherwise a more complex mechanism must
be taken into account (28) (see also the
Schematic representation of the data workflow in EPR spectroscopy and
the compatibility of the newly developed {eprscope}
software package within the R ecosystem.
As mentioned above, the data analysis workflow also covers sharing of
the results/outputs. However, quite often, in addition to essential
processing of EPR spectra, the spectral analysis (which usually
corresponds to determination of the hyperfine coupling/splitting
constants and the g-factors) requires quantum chemical
calculations on the high-performance computing servers and/or the
above-mentioned simulations of EPR spectra done within the
MATLAB by EasySpin3. Therefore, one must combine
diverse outputs in order to gather the entire structural information
about the paramagnetic center. As can be seen in Figure
@ref(fig:scheme-intro) the {eprscope}
together with the Rmarkdown (23)
and/or the Quarto publishing
system (22) are capable
(without living the ecosystem) to process all the
input data into suitable dissemination form (e.g. report,
presentation, manuscript, webpage…etc.) and thus very effectively
completing the last stage of the reproducible research workflow (please,
refer to the